- Dark red roses, pink asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, hot pink matsumoto asters, purple chrysanthemums and lavender waxflower are accented with burgundy copper beech and variegated pittosporum.
- Delivered in a tall bamboo vase in a rich shade of brown that anchors the arrangement in modern style.
- This deluxe bouquet includes pink asiatic lilies, purple chrysanthemums and alstroemeria, dark red roses, hot pink matsumoto asters and lavender waxflower -with burgundy copper beech and variegated pittosporum for artistic accents.
- Delivered in a beautiful brown bamboo vase to give the bouquet a stylish foundation.
- This premium bouquet includes pink asiatic lilies, purple chrysanthemums and alstroemeria, dark red roses, hot pink matsumoto asters and lavender waxflower -with burgundy copper beech and variegated pittosporum for artistic accents.
- Delivered in a beautiful brown bamboo vase to give the bouquet a stylish foundation.
- Orientation: All-Around
Superbly crafted of high-quality bamboo, this stunning designer tall vase is from Teleflora's exclusive "Flowers in a Gift" collection. Perfect for exotic bouquets, and a stylish décor piece displayed alone.
Standard - $64.99 $51.99
Deluxe - $77.99 $62.39
Premium - $90.99 $72.79