- Hot pink roses, dark red spray roses, purple carnations and pink miniature carnations are accented with assorted greens.
- Delivered in Teleflora's glass violet cube.
- Hot pink roses, dark red spray roses, purple carnations and pink miniature carnations are accented with assorted greens.
- Delivered in Teleflora's glass violet cube.
- Hot pink roses, dark red spray roses, purple carnations and pink miniature carnations are accented with assorted greens.
- Delivered in Teleflora's glass violet cube.
- Orientation: All-Around
This brightly colored, contemporary cube vase was created for Teleflora's exclusive Flowers-in-a-Gift collection. It will be a favorite for years to come.
Standard - $84.99 $67.99
Deluxe - $97.99 $78.39
Premium - $110.99 $88.79