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This bouquet is called "Be Still My Heart," but her heart won't be still when she sees this wildly romantic bouquet of a dozen red roses and white calla lilies in a sparkling glass vase. It will beat madly, deeply, truly - just for you.
Declare your love all over again with 18 red roses and eight white calla lilies in a dazzling clear glass vase. To keep the fire of love burning requires a little kindling every now and then. This romantic bouquet is guaranteed to fan the flames.
Remember the glorious feeling when you both starting falling in love? Fan the flame with this wildly romantic bouquet. Twenty red roses and eight white calla lilies in a sparkling vase. ¬To quote Yogi Berra, "It will be deja vu all over again."
The gorgeous bouquet features one dozen red roses and a half dozen miniature white calla lilies accented with assorted greenery.
The stunning bouquet includes 18 red roses and a half dozen white miniature calla lilies accented with assorted greenery.
The breathtaking bouquet includes 20 red roses and eight miniature white calla lilies accented with assorted greenery.
Orientation: All-Around
Standard -
Strike Price$162.99Current Price$130.39