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There's a special someone at the top of your dance card, who brings laughter and joy to your heart every day. Show them how much you care with a Dance with Me flower bouquet of carnations and roses in pretty shades of red and pink.
Love is in full bloom in this dramatic array of red roses and other romantic favorites in a stunning ruby red vase. If it's her birthday, here's a great way to express your feelings with sweetness and style. If it's not her birthday, even better. Surprise
Fan the flames of love with this sizzling array of red roses and other romantic favorites in a chic ruby red vase. If you want to make a really big impression, surprise her with delivery to her office. Imagine the oohs and ahhs of her co-workers - and her.
A mix of carnations and roses in shades of red and light pink.
Delivered in a glass vase accented with pink satin ribbon.
This gorgeous bouquet includes red roses, red carnations, light pink carnations, red miniature carnations, light pink miniature carnations and green rhamnus accented with assorted greenery and a pink satin ribbon.
Delivered in a ruby rose vase.
This gorgeous bouquet includes red roses, red carnations, light pink carnations, red miniature carnations, light pink miniature carnations and green rhamnus accented with assorted greenery and a pink satin ribbon.