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Sprinkle happiness on any occasion with this bright, beautiful bouquet! A cheerful blend of sunshiny lilies, pretty purple blooms and glowing greens in a classic cylinder, it makes any day feel fresh and fabulous!
Golden lilies, lavender blooms and bright greens are a recipe for fresh, fabulous greetings! Turn any day into a special one with this happy surprise, arranged in a classic glass cylinder.
Golden roses and lilies, lavender blooms and bright greens are a recipe for fresh, fabulous greetings! Turn any day into a special one with this happy surprise, arranged in a classic glass cylinder.
This fabulous bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
This fabulous bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra.
Delivered in Teleflora's Glass Cylinder Vase.
This fabulous bouquet includes yellow roses and asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra.
Delivered in Teleflora's Glass Cylinder Vase.
Orientation: All-Around
Perfect for mixed bouquets as well as monobotanicals. An easy-to-design-in florist essential.