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Indulge your perfect love with this extravagant bouquet. Two dozen red roses express your love in a way words never could.
Nothing says "I love you" like the gift of red roses. Surprise her with 30 of these gorgeous flowers artistically arranged in a classic clear glass athena vase. She'll never stop raving about her gift - and you.
The emotional power of a dozen red roses times 3 - 36 lush premium roses delivered in a sparkling glass athena vase! If it were Elizabethan England, she would swoon. Maybe she will anyway. It's that breathtakingly gorgeous.
Two dozen red roses are accented with fresh green bupleurum and salal.
Delivered in an elegant glass vase.
Thirty red roses are accented with fresh green bupleurum and salal.
Delivered in an elegant glass vase.
Three dozen red roses are accented with fresh green bupleurum and salal.
Delivered in an elegant glass vase.
Orientation: All-Around
Standard -
Strike Price$155.99Current Price$124.79