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Feminine and fabulous, this spectacular bouquet of lavender and pink roses in a chic cylinder vase is guaranteed to leave her speechless. Until she says how much she loves you for choosing this absolutely incredible array.
Everything's coming up rosy for you and your love when you send her this magnificent array of roses, roses, roses! Pink, light pink, lavender, a truly breathtaking rose parade in a beautiful vase. She'll think "What a bouquet!" And "What a guy!"
If you love her, show it in a big, big way. Pull out all the stops with this breathtakingly magnificent array of luscious roses - pink, light pink, lavender - artistically arranged in a trendy vase. Sure, it's extravagant. But she's worth it.
The lovely bouquet includes lavender roses, light pink roses, pink roses, light pink spray roses and lavender spray roses accented with assorted greenery.
The lovely bouquet includes lavender roses, light pink roses, pink roses, light pink spray roses and lavender spray roses accented with assorted greenery.
The elegant bouquet includes hot pink roses, lavender roses, light pink roses, pink roses, light pink spray roses, and lavender spray roses accented with assorted greenery.
Orientation: All-Around
Standard -
Strike Price$253.99Current Price$203.19