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Send a burst of sunshine someone's way with this vivacious yellow bouquet! Sure to get smiles from guys and gals, it features lovely lilies, roses, gladioli and mums in joyful shades of yellow and green.
Celebrate the smiles and sunshine they bring to your life with this vibrant yellow bouquet! Fresh and friendly, it's presented in a sleek bamboo box for a clean, of-the-moment look.
Celebrate the smiles and sunshine they bring to your life with this vibrant yellow bouquet! Fresh and friendly, it's presented in a sleek bamboo box for a clean, of-the-moment look.
Sunny yellow flowers include roses, asiatic lilies, gladioli and miniature carnations, all mixed with soft green button spray chrysanthemums, carnations and variegated pittosporum.
Delivered with a modern touch in a rich brown bamboo box.
This bouquet boasts yellow asiatic lilies, roses, miniature carnations and gladioli. Soft green roses, button spray chrysanthemums, carnations and variegated pittosporum add a fresh touch.
Delivered in a brown bamboo vase, it's a stylish statement of affection.
This bouquet boasts yellow asiatic lilies, roses, miniature carnations and gladioli. Soft green roses, button spray chrysanthemums, carnations and variegated pittosporum add a fresh touch.
Delivered in a brown bamboo vase, it's a stylish statement of affection.
Orientation: All-Around
Superbly crafted of high-quality bamboo, this stunning designer rectangular vase is from Teleflora's exclusive "Flowers in a Gift" collection. Perfect for exotic bouquets, and a stylish décor piece displayed alone.