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A graceful heart of bear grass... tied with purple waxflower blossoms... forms a heart that appears to float above the velvety red roses in this delightful bouquet, arranged in a ruby-red cube vase. Send this beautiful floral arrangement to someone you love, and they'll think sweet thoughts about you!
You love Teleflora's Sweet Thoughts bouquet, and you'd like to make a big impression. Send this deluxe version, and they'll know they've got your heart! With more roses - but the same classic, collectible cube vase in a shade of warmest crimson - this gift will be a surefire hit.
You love Teleflora's Sweet Thoughts bouquet, and you'd like to make a big impression. Send this premium version, and they'll know they've got your heart! With more roses - but the same classic, collectible cube vase in a shade of warmest crimson - this gift will be a surefire hit.
Red roses and purple waxflower accented with variegated pittosporum and bear grass arrive in a Teleflora red glass cube vase.<
A deluxe mix of red roses and purple waxflower - accented with bear grass and greenery - is delivered in a red glass Teleflora Cube vase.
A deluxe mix of red roses and purple waxflower - accented with bear grass and greenery - is delivered in a red glass Teleflora Cube vase.
Orientation: All-Around
This sleek contemporary red glass Cube from Teleflora's Flowers-in-a-Gift collection adds a dash of color and it's great for votive candles too!